Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Clean Spicy Korean Barbeque Chicken

I shared the makings of this dish the other night on my snapchat feed. If you aren't following me, my snapchat is: csilbaugh I share a lot of step by step how to cook clips. 

This is one of my favorite ways to each Chicken. I add extra ginger because I love it, AND ginger can also destroy ovarian cancer cells. Ovarian was just one of the types of Cancer I had. I LOVE to be proactive and have my food be my medicine. Plus it tastes oh so good


Clean Spicy Korean Barbeque Chicken
Written by Christi Silbaugh 

1lb Organic Free Range Chicken Thighs

For the Marinade:
⅔ cup braggs amino acids
¼ cup mirin
1 tablespoon fresh minced or crushed ginger
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
2-3 tablespoons maple syrup
1 tablespoon sambal oelek (spicy chili paste)
5 cloves garlic

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Place all of the marinade  ingredients in a food processor or blender until smooth. 
Pour into a large ziplock bag and add your chicken thighs. Marinade for 1 hour to overnight keep in the fridge.

Pull the Chicken out of the sauce and pour the remaining sauce into a saucepan and bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer stirring frequently. 

While the sauce is simmering heat a very heavy pan over high heat. add the Chicken to the pan with a little oil if Let the Chicken sit for 2 minutes to get a golden brown sear, flip and cook the other side. Remove from pan, slice and add back to pan. Top with sauce and stir.

Serve over rice, quinoa or your favorite grain and steamed veggies. 

If you like my recipes, please support my work and get my cookbook! You can get a collection of my recipes in Nourish - The beginner's guide to eating healthy and staying fit. 

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